Training and Development provides a range of training and development consulting services to help businesses and their employees achieve their goals.

Our services are designed to be practical, engaging, and relevant to the current workplace. Our trainers are experienced professionals passionate about helping people learn and grow, and committed to providing our clients with a positive and engaging learning experience.

We offer a variety of options to support your training needs, including:

Sourcing and Recruitment

We can upskill your recruitment team with the best practices on how to find and hire talents for your company. Examples of the topics to cover: how to write effective job ads, screen CVs, conduct interviews, and make hiring decisions.

HR Architecture

Our consultants can help you design and implement an HR system that supports the business goals of your company. We can help with selecting HR models, developing policies and procedures, and measuring the efficiency of your processes.

HR Management in the Balance ‘Business-Staff’

We can help you to balance the needs of your business with the needs of employees. We can upskill your team to manage conflicts, resolve disputes, and create a healthy workplace environment.

Corporate Culture

Our consultants can help you build, enhance and maintain a corporate culture based on your values, mission, and vision, so it can support an environment where employees feel valued and respected.

Microsoft Excel

Our consultants can help you improve your skills in using the most popular spreadsheet program in the world. The content could be adjusted to your current level of proficiency (basic, intermediate and advanced)

Business Correspondence

Our consultants will teach you how to write professional emails, letters, and reports. You will learn about different writing styles and how to format your correspondence correctly.


We will teach you how to write persuasive and effective messages. You will learn about different copywriting techniques and how to write the text that reaches the target.

Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Our Finance for Non-Financial Managers training will teach you the basics of financial reporting and analysis. You will learn how to read and understand financial statements, how to calculate key financial ratios, and how to make informed financial decisions.

Contact us to learn more about how Training and Development services can help your business.

Questions? Let’s find a solution together.

Related services:

Target and mass

and payroll


All services
for Business